Dubai Heart Centre

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Cardiac Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon Dubai - Prof Dr. Uwe Klima



Prof. Dr. Uwe Klima​

Prof. Dr. Uwe Klima is a renowned Consultant Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. He spent 10 years as Senior Consultant and Deputy Director at Hannover Medical School, Germany and 3 years at National University of Singapore as full Professor of Surgery. He also spent two years at the world renowned Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA.

Prof. Dr. Klima’s area of expertise is focused on minimally invasive surgical procedures, enhancing aesthetic outcome and minimizing post-surgery discomfort while utilizing advanced and innovative technologies in line with international standards.

Prof. Dr. Klima was the first surgeon worldwide to implant the eMesh device in humans to improve patency rate of grafts after bypass surgery.

Empowered by over 20 years of experience in surgery, he has performed more than ten thousand cardiac, thoracic, vascular and general surgery procedures. Prof. Dr. Klima has won multiple renowned Awards from international Societies, including Award for outstanding Medical Achievement, Professor Dr. Walter Pilgerstorfer Prize, Lillehei Young Investigator Award and Gold Star Award for medical excellence.

Prof. Klima’s area of research includes stem cells and tissue engineering, valve repair, cardio protection, heart failure and valve surgery implantation techniques.

Klima has co-authored over 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, he has performed over 150,000 surgical procedures.

Specialty Interests

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery; beating heart surgery; valve reconstruction, arrhythmia surgery; total arterial revascularization; thoracic oncology; aneurysm.

Major accolades
1988- Professor Dr. Walter Pilgerstorfer Prize for Best Medical Publication of the Medical Society of Upper Austria[8]
2006- Lillehei Investigator Award from European Association Cardiothoracic Surgery Stockholm[4]
2008- National Excellent Service Award (EXSA)- GOLD Singapore

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Inspriring words from our Patients

米米 快乐的客户

我要赞扬迪拜德国心脏中心的克利马教授、医生以及所有护士的专业精神和优质护理。过去 8 年里我一直在看 Klima 教授,他们曾三次救过我的命。感谢您在我非常困难的时期让事情变得更轻松。我强烈推荐德国心脏中心,这些医疗专业人员是最好的。他们在床边的态度是无与伦比的,他们非常清楚地解释了每一个程序,并且不会用医学术语让我们感到困惑。最重要的是,它们让您感到轻松自在。再次感谢。

克里斯 快乐的客户

令人难以置信的能力和反应能力。 乌韦·克利马教授博士和他的团队是一流的心脏和动脉医疗保健人员。以专业和负责任的方式处理危及生命的并发症,消除了通常的繁文缛节,以加快必要的程序!很棒的经历,谢谢!

托尼·布林 快乐的客户

克利马博士, 我很感激也很幸运,当我被诊断出患有非常严重的心脏问题需要立即手术时,我被分配到迪拜的 Uwe Klima 教授那里。他和他的扩展医疗团队很可能通过专家的护理和关注挽救了我的生命。 事情并没有就此结束,Klima 医生在我术后康复的整个过程中一直在我身边,总是让我放心,让我重新拥抱生活。 谢谢!!!!!

佐海布·阿万 快乐的客户


拉斯·克里斯蒂安·彼得森 快乐的客户

我从 2009 年底就认识了 Klima 教授和他的团队,他已经为我成功进行了两次心脏直视手术。准备、执行和善后护理都是首屈一指的——简直是世界一流的。您为什么不信任已经进行过 10,000 多次此类手术的人呢?这是位于迪拜和阿联酋市中心的独特一流服务。

A K 快乐的客户


巴萨姆·谢里夫 快乐的客户


亚伯·威廉 快乐的客户

我发现乌韦·克利马教授博士具有最高的素质——非常专业和有能力。他经验丰富,并且非常致力于为患者提供最佳的成功。 此外,他还得到了由医生、护士、技术人员和管理人员组成的团队的支持 - 他们都非常熟练且以患者为导向。 我有过最积极、最放心的医疗经历——确实是一位优秀的外科医生! 我肯定会推荐乌韦·克利马教授博士。

Cardiac Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon Dubai - Prof Dr. Uwe Klima

